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Portraying BDSM/Kink in a positive way

Today I opened my Facebook news feed and saw a post by my publisher. They were sharing that my second novel "Lianna's Lessons" was featured in an article on

I was beyond excited to see this, and when I read the article I was floored! The fact that this writer chose my book to write about is a dream come true. To know that someone has read my work and thought highly enough of it to share with others is an incredible feeling.

When I wrote this book I wanted to make a statement. BDSM and kink have been making their way into mainstream entertainment, but I feel that it is sometimes portrayed incorrectly. Within the BDSM community there are very set rules and communication is the key to making the experience as good as it can be for all who are involved.

While the thought of a dominant man suddenly throwing you down and doing deliciously naughty things to you can be very exciting, in real life that can also be terrifying and a show of power, not an exchange of one. When introducing kink into a relationship all aspects must be discussed and boundaries need to be set. Both (or more) parties need to be on the same page and there has to be a way for things to be stopped immediately if it's too much for one person.

Sadly, I have found this aspect of BDSM and kink missing from many books and movies, and I wanted to show how Kink can be perfectly normal, exciting and balanced. I know there are a ton of terrific novels on this subject that show exactly what I set out to, and there are great TV shows and movies that have done the same, but there are too many examples of situations that skirt the line between kink and assault.

I'm hopeful that my novel can shed some light on a still relatively underground part of sex, and maybe encourage people to go about it in a safe and wonderful way. I'm so happy it's been featured (my first time as a author!) and hopefully my book both entertains and entices readers while still showing that consent and communication are the keys to any great relationship.

Here is the article, fingers crossed it's the first of many in my new career!

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